Get Involved

We are always in need of volunteers and need help with all aspects of Wild Hearts. Please fill out the form below if you would like to help grow our mission to assist pets with mobility impairments. Below is an overview of some areas we need help with, but would not turn down help in any area in which you would like to volunteer your time and/or services.


Communication + Marketing

Craft, update and oversee the strategic communication and marketing plan, brand identity and all to strategically express information, tell stories to highlight our impact. The committee will maintain the integrity of our core values and act as our voice to promote our mission and goals.

Public Relations
Social Media
SpokesPet Ambassador
Story Build
Video Production + Edit


Raise capital and operating funds ensuring the financial viability and stability of Wild Hearts. This committee will also work on soliciting in-kind and service donations.

Accounting + Bookkeeping
Donor Stewardship
Event Plan
Grant Write
Monthly Membership
Peer to Peer Fundraising

Education + Outreach

Educate the general public and community about Wild Hearts and messages relating to having an informed public and changing the understanding and perception of mobility impaired pets. The committee will also be responsible for researching, creating, implementing and managing educational programming.

Build Partnerships
Classes + Seminars
Mobility Matters Pet Hub
Resource Center
Support Group


Support sponsorship programming including interacting with the veterinary and application committees, and sponsorship families.

Data Administration
In Kind Donations
Inventory Management
Welcome + Care Packages


if interested in volunteering, Please complete the form below